Access Control

Control access of models among teams, users and applications

You can add models to LLM Gateway by adding provider accounts like OpenAI, Anthropic, Bedrock etc through the Integrations page. Each model provider can have multiple models within and you can configure access control at the model level.

Manage access to models for users and teams

You can grant access to users and teams via the integration form as shown in the following demo:

To get access to models, users can generate a personal access tokens from the Settings page and use it in the API code.


When you provide access to a user, all their Private Access Tokens(PATs) get access to the model.

Manage access to models for Virtual Accounts

When applications are using LLMs via the gateway, its better to get the keys via virtual accounts. Virtual accounts are not tied to a user and hence remain valid even if the employee leaves the company.

You can grant access to virtual account via the virtual account form as shown in the following demo: