Customizing CI/CD Templates

The CI/CD templates can be configured on a control plane level (available for customers using Truefoundry in separate hosted control plane only). This customization can be used to add custom image scanning workflows, security scans etc to the CI/CD pipelines or add whatever custom logic user wants to add.

How do CI/CD templates get rendered?

Truefoundry renders different CI/CD templates as shown in this document automatically based on the deployment.
All the templates can be found here.

There is a file called cicd-providers.yaml which lists the providers need to be enabled like github, bitbucket and gitlab. All other files contain templates to configure CI/CD based on different cases like:

  1. Whether image is built on TrueFoundry or built elsewhere.
  2. Whether the spec is stored as a yaml in your repository (complete GitOps) or not.

These are different templates for gitlab, bitbucket and github.

How to customize these templates for your Control Plane?

The CI/CD templates are supplied to TrueFoundry's control plane via a config map. These config map values can be overridden by updating the values of truefoundry helm chart

You will need to update the values of tfy-configs in the truefoundry helm chart.

You need to define the content of cicd-providers.yamlwith your provider specific details. Here is the default file.
Apart from this you need to define all the the other templates of a particular provider (for e.g. github) by taking reference from the files in this folder. ( You should ideally change only the steps field in each yaml file (or maybe the description). No other field should be changed.)

      cicd-providers.yaml: |
        - id: github
          name: GitHub
          icon: github
          enabled: true
        - id: gitlab
          name: GitLab
          icon: gitlab
          enabled: false
        - id: bitbucket
          name: Bitbucket
          icon: bitbucket
          enabled: false
      github-actions-git-source.yaml: |
      github-actions-local-source.yaml: |
      github-actions-self-build-image.yaml: |
      github-actions-git-source-patch-application.yaml: |
      github-actions-self-build-image-patch-application.yaml: |
        name: Deploy docker image on TrueFoundry with out spec in Git repository
        cicd_provider_id: github
        enabled: true
        description: "The application spec will be stored and maintained from TrueFoundry UI. The docker image is built in your CI pipeline and then the image uri is patched in the spec and deployed to truefoundry."
        deployment_mode: patch-application
        build_source: local
        recommended_environment: dev
        image_builder: self
          - label: Generate API Key
            icon: null
            usage: Generate an API Key to authenticate and deploy applications
            type: generate-api-key
          - label: Add API Key to Github Secrets
            icon: null
            usage: null
            type: markdown-content
              content: |
                In your GitHub Repository, navigate to **Settings > Secrets and Variables > Actions**.
                Add a new secret called `TFY_API_KEY` and set the generated api key as value
          - label: Create GitHub Action
            icon: null
            usage: |
              Add the below workflow as `tfy-deploy.yaml` in your github workflow directory (`.github/workflows/`).
              Following GitHub Action will be triggered on each push to `main` branch
            type: markdown-content
              content: |
                > **Note:** Please read through the `env` section and Image Build Section and update them for your registry and repo.
                name: Deploy to TrueFoundry

                      - 'main'

                  id-token: write
                  contents: read

                  TFY_HOST: {{ TRUEFOUNDRY_TFY_HOST }}
                  TFY_API_KEY: $\{{ secrets.TFY_API_KEY }}
                  # Update these with your Docker Registry and Repository
                  DOCKER_REPO_NAME: $\{{ }}
                  DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO: $\{{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY }}/$\{{ env.DOCKER_REPO_NAME }}
                  DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG: $\{{ github.sha }}
                  DOCKER_IMAGE_URI: "$\{{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO }}:$\{{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG }}"

                    name: Build Image
                    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                    timeout-minutes: 30
                      - name: Checkout code
                        uses: actions/checkout@v3

                      - name: Set up Docker Buildx
                        uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3

                      ### Image Build Section ###

                      # Build your image, push it
                      # Here is a sample, you can replace this with your registry specific steps.
                      # The registry here should be also be linked in Integrations on TrueFoundry

                      # Please see for examples
                      name: Login to Docker Hub
                      uses: docker/login-action@v3
                        registry: $\{{ env.DOCKER_REGISTRY }}
                        username: $\{{ secrets.DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
                        password: $\{{ secrets.DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}
                      - name: Build and push image
                        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
                          platforms: linux/amd64
                          context: .
                          push: true
                          tags: $\{{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_URI }}
                          cache-from: type=registry,ref=$\{{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO }}:buildcache
                          cache-to: mode=max,image-manifest=true,type=registry,ref=$\{{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO }}:buildcache


                      - name: Set up Python
                        uses: actions/setup-python@v4
                          python-version: 3.11

                      - name: Install dependencies
                        run: |
                          pip install "truefoundry<1.0.0"

                      - name: Deploy to workspace
                        run: |
                          tfy patch-application --application-fqn $\{{ env.APPLICATION_FQN }} --patch='{"image": {"image_uri": "$\{{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_URI }}"}}'


  • There must be a file named: cicd-providers.yaml in the CI/CD templates. You can use this as reference to create a CI/CD providers file:
  • All the keys must be file names of format *.yaml
  • You must define all the templates you need in the truefoundry values.