Introduction to Workflow

A TrueFoundry workflow represents a sequence of tasks orchestrated to achieve a specific goal, typically in the context of data processing, machine learning, or other complex computational processes. Workflows are designed to be scalable, maintainable, and reusable, allowing users to automate and manage the end-to-end lifecycle of their tasks. It helps users to define, orchestrate, and execute complex data and machine learning workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs).

Key Consideration while building a workflow.

  • Install the truefoundry workflow and set up the CLI, refer to this guide for setting up the CLI.
  • Define task and task config to configure the usage of task in workflow, check the different types of task config that are available for usage in workflow.
  • To know about how to interact with the workflow, refer to Interacting with workflow.
  • To run a raw container as a task, refer to the Using raw container task guide.
  • To run workflow at a fix interval of time, create a cron workflow, to learn more about cron workflow, refer this.
  • To speed up the execution of heavy task, you can use map task to create sub task and run simultaneously, refer to this guide to see how you can define map task.
  • To have a conditional execution of task or to select task based on conditions, use conditional task.