Model Deployment
For some model frameworks, Truefoundry can generate a model deployment package containing the following:
- Inference code wrapped around a general-purpose web framework like FastAPI or more specialized model servers like Triton.
- A requirements.txt. We also generate a Dockerfile for model servers like Triton, which are complex to set up on all operating systems.
- A README file that contains instructions on testing locally and deploying on Truefoundry.
This approach gives you the flexibility to:
- Deploy the package as it is to Truefoundry or anywhere else.
- Change the inference code to add custom business logic and dependencies.
- Test the code locally.
- Maintain the generated code in your version control system (Github, Gitlab, etc.).
To create the deployment package:
- Locate the model you want to deploy in the model registry and click the Deploy button.

- Select a workspace for deployment, and copy the command.

- Execute the command in your terminal to generate the model deployment package.
❯ tfy deploy-init model --name 'my-sklearn-model-1' --model-version-fqn 'model:truefoundry/my-classification-project/my-sklearn-model-1:1' --workspace-fqn 'tfy-usea1-devtest:deb-ws' --model-server 'fastapi'
Generating application code for 'model:truefoundry/my-classification-project/my-sklearn-model-1:1'
Model Server code initialized successfully!
Code Location: /work/model-deployment/my-sklearn-model-1
Next Steps:
- Navigate to the model server directory:
cd /work/model-deployment/my-sklearn-model-1
- Refer to the README file in the directory for further instructions.
❯ cd /work/model-deployment/my-sklearn-model-1
❯ ls requirements.txt
- Follow the instructions present on the
Updated 2 months ago