Manage Secrets
Store Secrets in your Secret Store with Truefoundry
Suppose your backend service needs to load a database password and an API key for an external service. You can create a secret group for that backend service and add the database password and the API key as secrets under that secret group. To do so, follow the steps below:
Collaborators & Access control
There are 3 roles possible in Secret groups - Secret Group Admin, Secret Group Editor, and Secret Group Viewer. Each granting permissions as shown below:

By default, a tenant admin has access to all secret groups. For tenant members and teams you need to assign roles for each secret group.
Use Secrets in your Secret Store
You can now copy your Secret's FQN using the instructions given below. You can also see in which deployments, the secrets are being used.
Attaching Secrets to a Deployment
You can attach and use your Secrets in various types of deployments, including Services and Jobs. Detailed instructions for using Secrets in Services and Jobs can be found in the following guides:
Updated 3 months ago