Add Certificate for TLS
This document cover how you can use the custom certificate and key files for terminating your TLS traffic.
Add TLS using AWS certificate manager
There are two ways to terminate the TLS traffic coming into the EKS cluster.
- Terminating the TLS traffic at the Network Load balancer
- Terminating the TLS traffic at Istio layer
You can chose any one of the above options. However in the case of EKS it is best to terminate the traffic at the network load balancer with the help of Certificate manager in AWS.
Creating and attaching a certificate using AWS certificate manager
- In the AWS console, head over to the AWS certificate manager and create a public certificate.
- ACM will give a CNAME record-value to be created in your DNS provider (route53). Wait for the certificate to in the active state and copy its ARN.
- Once the certificate is in active state, head over to the TrueFoundry platform's Deplyoyments -> Helm (filter helm chart for your cluster) -> tfy-istio-ingress
- Edit the tfy-istio-ingress and add the following line in the annotations.
gateway: annotations: CERTIFICATE_ARN
- Go ahead and edit the tfy-istio-ingress with the domain names (here -
is added)tfyGateway: name: 'tfy-wildcard' spec: selector: istio: 'tfy-istio-ingress' servers: - hosts: - "*" port: name: http-tfy-wildcard number: 80 protocol: HTTP tls: httpsRedirect: true - hosts: - "*" port: name: https-tfy-wildcard number: 443 protocol: HTTP
Add TLS using cert-manager + GCP cloud DNS
We support creation of TLS certificates with the help of cert-manager. cert-manager in our case use LetsEncrypt which issues the certificate. Cert-manager can connect with various DNS provider so that LetsEncrypt can verify if you are the true owner of the domain or not. Below example is to create TLS certificate using GCP cloud DNS. Feel free to use other DNS provider by following the cert-manager documentation.
Workload identity
For onboarding an existing cluster, ensure that workload identity is enabled for the GKE cluster. For clusters created with the help of ocli, it is enabled by default.
1. Create an IAM role and attach it to a GCP serviceaccount
export PROJECT_ID=""
export DNS_ROLE_NAME=""
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
gcloud iam service-accounts create $GCP_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME --display-name "$GCP_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME"
# Assign the IAM serviceaccount permissions to access DNS records
gcloud iam roles create custom_dns_role \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--title=$DNS_ROLE_NAME \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
--condition=None \
--member=serviceAccount:$GCP_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME@$ \
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
--member "serviceAccount:$[cert-manager/cert-manager]" \
2. Created a hosted zone
To make GCP you DNS provider, create a hosted zone. It is not a compulsory requirement and you can use a domain from an already existing hosted DNS zone in GCP.
gcloud dns managed-zones create example-com \
--description="DNS zone for" \ \
--visibility=public --format=json | jq '.[].nameServers'
The above command will print the nameservers which have to setup in your main DNS provider (for e.g. GoDaddy or NameCheap) as an NS record.
3. Install cert-manager
- Head over to the Integrations tab in the left panel and select the right cluster in which you want to install cert-manager. Click on the Three dots at the left-panel and select Manage Applications.
- Install cert-manager, if not already installed by creating a workspace.
- If cert-manager is already installed, go to Deployments -> Helm -> Filter the charts with the cluster name and click on edit from the three dots at the right.
- In the values section, ensure the below lines exists. Make sure to replace the
with the serviceaccount name and the project IDextraArgs: - --issuer-ambient-credentials serviceAccount: create: true annotations: $GCP_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME@$
4. Creating an issuer and a certificate
- Download the kubeconfig file for your cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone ZONE --project PROJECT
- Create the following issuer by replacing the
text below to your preferred name. Please replace thePROJECT_ID
as well.kubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: example-com-issuer namespace: istio-system spec: acme: email: [email protected] server: privateKeySecretRef: name: example-com-privkey solvers: - dns01: cloudDNS: project: $PROJECT_ID EOF
- Create the certificate by referencing the above issuer
in the certificate with the replaced issuer name. Also add the dnsNames accordinglykubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: example-com-cert namespace: istio-system spec: secretName: example-com-tls duration: 2160h # 90d renewBefore: 360h # 15d issuerRef: # Issuer name from the previous step name: example-com-issuer dnsNames: - "" - "*" EOF
- Check the status of the certificate by running the following command. Wait for the certificates to go in the
state.kubectl get certificates -n istio-system
Certificate is not ready
If the certificate is not in ready state for more then 10 minutes, it means that there is some issue in the access or the domain name. Please check the logs of cert-manager pods in the
namespace for more details.
5. Attaching the TLS secret to the Load balancer
- Once the certificate is created a secret will be present in the
namespace with the name given in.spec.secretName
while creating a certificate object. - Head over to the Deployments -> Helm -> filter helm chart for your cluster -> tfy-istio-ingress and then add the secret in
for HTTPS you need to add thetls.mode
. Please ensureport.protocol
for port 443tfyGateway: name: tfy-wildcard spec: selector: istio: tfy-istio-ingress servers: - hosts: - "*" - "" port: name: http-tfy-wildcard number: 80 protocol: HTTP tls: httpsRedirect: true - hosts: - "*" - "" port: name: https-tfy-wildcard number: 443 protocol: HTTPS # make sure to keep it HTTPS tls: mode: SIMPLE credentialName: example-com-tls
6. Adding the domain in the cluster metadata
- Head over to the Integrations section in the platform and click on the Edit in the cluster.
- Enable Show advanced fields from the bottom and add enable the Base Domain URL section.
- Add the domain URL.
Add TLS using cert-manager + Azure DNS
We support creation of TLS certificates with the help of cert-manager. cert-manager in our case use LetsEncrypt which issues the certificate. Cert-manager can connect with various DNS provider so that LetsEncrypt can verify if you are the true owner of the domain or not. Below example is to create TLS certificate using Azure DNS. Feel free to use other DNS provider by following the cert-manager documentation to create the certificates
1. Exporting variables and enabling workload identity
export CLUSTER_NAME=""
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME=cert-manager
export MAIL_ID="[email protected]"
export OIDC_ISSUER_URL=$(az aks show \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -o tsv)
export LOAD_BALANCERIP=$(kubectl get svc \
-n istio-system tfy-istio-ingress \
# identity name
# getting principal ID of the identity
PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity create \
--name "${IDENTITY_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--query principalId -otsv)
# getting Client ID of the identity
IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show \
--name "${IDENTITY_NAME}" \
--resource-group "${RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--query 'clientId' -otsv)
Workload identity federation needs to be enabled for the cluster. It is not required if the cluster is created using ocli.
az aks update \
--name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--enable-oidc-issuer \
2. Created a hosted zone and assign the identity DNS permissions
To make Azure your DNS provider, create a hosted zone in Azure DNS. It is not a compulsory requirement and you can use a domain from an already existing hosted DNS zone in Azure.
# export DNS_HOSTED_ZONE=""
# create the DNS record
az network dns zone create \
--name ${DNS_HOSTED_ZONE} \
--resource-group ${DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--query nameServers
# getting the DNS zone ID
DNS_ZONE_ID=$(az network dns zone show \
--name ${DNS_HOSTED_ZONE} \
--resource-group ${DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--query id -otsv)
The above command will print the nameservers which have to setup in your main DNS provider (for e.g. GoDaddy or NameCheap) as an NS record.
OR if you already have an existing hosted zone (If your DNS hosted zone exists in other resource group, export the variables from that resource group in the below section)
# resource group where you DNS zone is hosted,
# change this to your resource group if its not the same as your cluster
# creating the DNS_ZONE
DNS_ZONE_ID=$(az network dns zone show \
--name ${DNS_HOSTED_ZONE} \
--resource-group ${DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--query id -otsv)
Give access to the principal identity
# assigning permissions of the DNS zone to the identity
az role assignment create \
--assignee $PRINCIPAL_ID \
--role "DNS Zone Contributor" \
--scope $DNS_ZONE_ID
# assign the federated credentials from the identity to the cert-manager
az identity federated-credential create \
--name "cert-manager" \
--identity-name "${IDENTITY_NAME}" \
--issuer "${OIDC_ISSUER_URL}" \
--resource-group "${RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
--subject "system:serviceaccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAMESPACE}:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME}"
3. Install cert-manager
- Head over to the Integrations tab in the left panel and select the right cluster in which you want to install cert-manager. Click on the Three dots at the left-panel and select Manage Applications.
- Install cert-manager, if not already installed by creating a workspace.
- If cert-manager is already installed, go to Deployments -> Helm -> Filter the charts with the cluster name and click on edit from the three dots at the right.
- In the values section, ensure the below lines exists
installCRDs: true extraArgs: - --issuer-ambient-credentials podLabels: azure.workload.identity/use: "true" serviceAccount: labels: azure.workload.identity/use: "true"
4. Creating an issuer and a certificate
- Download the
file for your clusteraz aks get-credentials --name CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP
- Create an issuer and make sure to change the name and the
namekubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: example-issuer namespace: istio-system spec: acme: email: $MAIL_ID server: privateKeySecretRef: name: example-privkey solvers: - dns01: azureDNS: hostedZoneName: $DNS_HOSTED_ZONE resourceGroupName: $DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP subscriptionID: $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment: AzurePublicCloud managedIdentity: clientID: $IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID EOF
- Create the certificate by referencing the above issuer
in the certificate with the replaced issuer name. Also add the dnsNames accordinglykubectl apply -f - <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: example-cert namespace: istio-system spec: secretName: example-tls duration: 2160h # 90d renewBefore: 360h # 15d issuerRef: # Issuer name from the previous step name: example-issuer dnsNames: - "" - "*" EOF
- Check the status of the certificate by running the following command. Wait for the certificates to go in the
kubectl get certificates -n istio-system
Certificate is not ready
If the certificate is not in ready state for more then 10 minutes, it means that there is some issue in the access or the domain name. Please check the logs of cert-manager pods in the
namespace for more details.
5. Attaching the TLS secret to the Load balancer
- Once the certificate is created a secret will be present in the
namespace with the name given in.spec.secretName
while creating a certificate object. - Head over to the Deployments -> Helm -> filter helm chart for your cluster -> tfy-istio-ingress and then add the secret in
for HTTPS you need to add thetls.mode
. Please ensureport.protocol
for port 443tfyGateway: name: tfy-wildcard spec: selector: istio: tfy-istio-ingress servers: - hosts: - "*" - "" port: name: http-tfy-wildcard number: 80 protocol: HTTP tls: httpsRedirect: true - hosts: - "*" - "" port: name: https-tfy-wildcard number: 443 protocol: HTTPS # make sure to keep it HTTPS tls: mode: SIMPLE credentialName: example-com-tls
6. Adding the domain in the cluster metadata
- Head over to the Integrations section in the platform and click on the Edit in the cluster.
- Enable Show advanced fields from the bottom and add enable the Base Domain URL section.
- Add the domain URL.
Add TLS using certificate key files
- Create a kubernetes secret in
namespace using the below command.kubectl create secret tls NAME --cert=path/to/cert/file --key=path/to/key/file -n istio-system
- Once the secret is created edit the
helm application in the platform. Edit the section with port 443 to pass the secret name. Convert the protocol to HTTPS- hosts: - "*" - "" port: name: https-tfy-wildcard number: 443 protocol: HTTPS # make sure to keep it HTTPS tls: mode: SIMPLE credentialName: SECRET_NAME
Updated 3 months ago