Creating and Utilizing Volume

Creating a Volume

After a brief moment, the deployment should become active, and your Volume Dashboard will transform to appear as follows:

You can create a volume following the flow above, however, a few key things to understand in the Volume Creation form are as follows:


You can read more about workspace and how to create it here.


Volumes created within a specific workspace in TrueFoundry are intended to be used exclusively by applications deployed within the same workspace.

This localized approach ensures that the volume's data is accessible only to the applications that are part of the same environment, enhancing security and organization.

Dynamically Provisioned Volumes

Storage Classes

Storage classes provide a way to specify the type of storage that should be provisioned for a Volume. These storage classes differ in their characteristics, such as performance, durability, and cost. You can select the appropriate storage class for your Volume while creating it, from the Storage Class dropdown menu.

The specific storage classes available will depend on the cloud provider you are using and what is preconfigured by the Infra team.


You can add the 'true' label to the StorageClass resources to recommend only them while creating a Volume.

You will usually see the following options in the storage classes based on the cloud provider:

AWS Storage Classes

TrueFoundry Storage NameCloud Provider Storage NameStorage ClassDescription
efs-scElastic File System (EFS) fully managed, scalable, and highly durable elastic file system that offers high availability, automatic scaling, and cost-effective general file sharing. It's suitable for workloads with varying capacity needs.

GCP Storage Classes

TrueFoundry Storage NameCloud Provider Storage NameStorage ClassDescription
standard-rwxGoogle Basic HDD cost-effective and scalable file storage solution ideal for general-purpose file storage and cost-sensitive workloads. It offers lower cost but also lower performance due to its HDD-based nature.
premium-rwxGoogle Premium higher performance and throughput compared to Basic HDD, making it suitable for I/O-intensive file operations and demanding workloads. It's SSD-based, offering higher performance at a higher cost.
enterprise-rwxGoogle Enterprise the highest performance, throughput, advanced features, multi-zone support, and high availability, making it ideal for mission-critical workloads and applications with strict availability requirements. It comes with the highest cost.


TrueFoundry Storage NameCloud Provider Storage NameStorage ClassDescription
azurefileAzure File Storage (Standard) Azure Standard storage to create file shares for general file sharing across VMs or containers, including Windows apps. It offers cost-effective performance.
azurefile-premiumAzure File Storage (Premium) Azure Premium storage for higher performance, making it suitable for I/O-intensive file operations.
azurefile-csiAzure File Storage (StandardCSI) Azure Standard storage with CSI for dynamic provisioning, potentially offering better performance and CSI features.
azurefile-csi-premiumAzure File Storage (PremiumCSI) Azure Premium storage with CSI for dynamic provisioning and high-performance file operations.
azureblob-nfs-premiumAzure Blob Storage (NFS Premium) Azure Premium storage with NFS v3 protocol for accessing large amounts of unstructured data and object storage, catering to demanding workloads with NFS access.
azureblob-fuse-premiumAzure Blob Storage (Fuse Premium) Azure Premium storage with BlobFuse for accessing large amounts of unstructured data and object storage, suitable for workloads that require BlobFuse access.

Statically Provisioned Volumes

Statically provisioned volume enable us to mount an already existing volume to workloads on truefoundry.

To create a statically provisioned volume:

  • Find the PersistentVolume name you want to mount.
  • In the form choose Statically Provisioned
  • Enter the Persistent Volume Name and click on Submit

Copy Volume FQN (Fully Qualified Name)

A volume FQN helps identify a Volume uniquely in Truefoundry. You will need it for mounting Volumes to your deployment

A volume FQN looks something like: tfy-volume://your-volume:your-workspace:your-volume-name

You can copy the Volume FQN from here: