Installation with Helm
Installing Control Plane using Helm Chart
Installation steps
namespacekubectl create ns truefoundry
Create an imagePullSecret for the Truefoundry images in the
namespacecat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: truefoundry-image-pull-secret namespace: truefoundry data: .dockerconfigjson: <image pull secret provided by truefoundry team> type: EOF
The helm charts to use for the three cloud providers are as follows -
- AWS - tfy-k8s-aws-eks-inframold
- GCP -
- Standard - tfy-k8s-gcp-gke-standard-inframold
- Autopilot - tfy-k8s-gcp-gke-autopilot-inframold
- Azure - tfy-k8s-azure-aks-inframold
Add the truefoundry helm repo
helm repo add truefoundry
Create a values.yaml and fill in the values
## @section Global Parameters ## @param tenantName Parameters for tenantName ## Tenant Name - This is same as the name of the organization used to sign up ## on Truefoundry ## tenantName: <tenant_name> ## @param controlPlaneURL Parameters for controlPlaneURL ## URL of the control plane - Same as the URL of the Truefoundry dashboard ## controlPlaneURL: <control_plane_url> ## @param clusterName Name of the cluster ## Name of the cluster that you have created on AWS/GCP/Azure ## clusterName: <cluster_name> ## @section Parameters for argocd ## @param argocd.enabled Flag to enable ArgoCD ## ArgoCD is mandatory for Truefoundry to work. You can make it false if ArgoCD is ## already installed in your cluster. Please make sure that the configuration of ## existing ArgoCD is same as the ArgoCD configuration required by Truefoundry. argocd: enabled: true ## @section Parameters for argoWorkflows ## @param argoWorkflows.enabled Flag to enable Argo Workflows ## argoWorkflows: enabled: true ## @section Parameters for truefoundry ## @param truefoundry.enabled Flag to enable TrueFoundry ## This installs the Truefoundry control plane helm chart. You can make it true ## if you want to install Truefoundry control plane. ## truefoundry: enabled: true truefoundryBootstrap: enabled: true database: host: <host> name: <name> username: <username> password: <password> sfyApiKey: <sfy_api_key> dev: false ## @section Parameters for loki ## @param loki.enabled Flag to enable Loki. This is needed to show build logs ## loki: enabled: true ## @section Parameters for tfyAgent ## @param tfyAgent.enabled Flag to enable Tfy Agent ## tfyAgent: enabled: false
Apply the helm chart with the values.yaml. Replace the
with the correct one from step 3helm install inframold truefoundry/<chart_name> --version 0.0.8 -f values.yaml
Updated 4 months ago