GCP Post Cluster Configurations

Once your cluster is configured following steps needs to be done.

Creating record for your load balancer

Once all the applications are created and the cluster is connected in the control plane, the endpoint where the applications are to be served must resolve to the endpoint of the load balancer's hostname. To get the load balancer's hostname run the following command

kubectl get svc -n istio-system tfy-istio-ingress -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Once you get the hostname you can create a CNAME record with the address of your endpoint to the load balancer's address. For .e.g If you want your applications to host at *.apps.example.com, then create a CNAME record in your DNS provider resolving *.apps.example.com to the load balancer's hostname from the above command. You can keep the TTL to1m or 60 seconds.

Once it is done you can use the following command to check if the CNAME record is correct or not

dig -t CNAME +short something.apps.example.com

Once done you can add the Base domain URL in the Integrations tab by editing the cluster

Adding base domain URL

Adding base domain URL

Attaching a blob storage

Google Cloud Storage is a scalable and durable object storage service provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It offers secure, cost-effective storage solutions for various data types, enabling seamless integration with GCP services. Users can store and retrieve data globally, while its flexibility and advanced features facilitate efficient data management and distribution.

Attaching Blob storage to Truefoundry's control plane

  • Create a GCP bucket.
    • Make sure to add the lifecycle configurations on the bucket to delete multipart upload after 7 days.
    • For this go to GCP bucket -> Lifecycle -> Add a rule
Lifecycle rule on GCP bucket

Lifecycle rule on GCP bucket

Select Delete multi-part upload for 7 days

Delete multipart upload

Delete multipart upload

We also need to add CORS policy to the GCP bucket. Right now adding the CORS policy to the GCP bucket is not possible through the console so for this we will use

  • Create a file called cors.json using the below command
    cat > cors.json <<EOF
          "origin": ["*"],
          "method": ["GET", "POST", "PUT"],
          "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
    • Attach the above CORS policy to the serviceaccount by running the following command using gsutils
      gsutil cors set cors.json  gs://BUCKET_NAME
  • Create an IAM serviceaccount, if not created before.
    • Attach IAM role of Storage Admin to the bucket create above.
    • Once the IAM serviceaccount is created, make sure to create a key in JSON format.
  • Once this is done, head over to Integrations tab and then click Connect Storage.
  • Fill in the details
Adding GCP bucket

Adding GCP bucket

Google Secrets Manager

Google Cloud Platform's (GCP) Secret Manager (GSM) is a secure and centralized solution for managing sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and certificates. It provides robust access controls, versioning, and audit trails, enhancing security and simplifying secret management across GCP services, applications, and infrastructure.

Attaching Google Secrets Manager

  • Create an IAM serviceaccount, if not created before.
    • Attach IAM role of Secret Manager Admin to the bucket create above.
    • Once the IAM serviceaccount is created, make sure to create a key in JSON format.
  • Go to Integrations tab in the control plane and click on Connect Secret Store. Paste the GCP serviceaccount keyfile.


Artifact registry

Google Artifact Registry is a developer-friendly, scalable solution within Google Cloud Platform for managing container images and software packages. It provides a secure and centralized repository, facilitating versioning, distribution, and access control. By seamlessly integrating with DevOps tools, it enhances software development and deployment processes.

Attaching Artifact registry

  • Create an IAM serviceaccount, if not created before.
    • Attach IAM role of
      • Artifact Registry Administrator
      • Service Account Token Creator
    • Once the IAM serviceaccount is created, make sure to create a key in JSON format.
    • You can also use the above serviceaccount and add some permissions to this IAM role
  • Go to Integrations tab in the control plane and click on Connect Secret Store. Paste the GCP serviceaccount keyfile.
GCP Artifact registry

GCP Artifact registry

Cloud integration

We also need read only access to the cluster so that we can check if there are any custom node pools that are attached to the cluster. For this below permissions can be attached
