Access Control FAQs
How can I access the platform?
You can ask the admin of your tenant to invite you to the TrueFoundry platform. Within TrueFoundry, there are two primary user roles:
Admins: They manage the overall environment with full control over resources, users, clusters, and workspaces. Typically, there are only a few admins in an organization.
Members: General users who have access to resources granted to them, usually based on their specific projects or tasks.
Ask your admin to invite you to the platform and provide access to the required workspace, ML repo, Git platform, Docker registry, and Secrets groups. Your admin can follow these steps to invite you to the platform. You will need to accept the invite from your mail inbox.
If you cant figure out who is the admin of your tenant, please write to us at [email protected].
Admin : How can I add new users to the platform?
You can invite users by going to the Settings-> Users -> Invite User. Enter the email and username before hitting 'Submit'. The 'Last Login' will show up as 'Invite Pending' until the user accepts the invite from their inbox. Nudge them to check their inbox and accept the invite after you have added them to the platform. Detailed steps here
Similarly, you can add teams by going to Settings -> Teams -> Add team. In the form, provide your team name like frontend-devs, infra etc then add the list of users to be part of that team. Detailed steps here
Admin: How can give or remove access for a user/team on the platform?
As an admin, have full control over resources, including users, clusters, and workspaces.
You can either add each user individually or create a team to grant multiple users the same access control to various resources such as -
Go to workspace -> Edit a workspace -> Collaborators -> Add/remove user/team
ML repo -> Manage collaborators -> Add/remove user/team
Secrets -> Manage collaborators -> Add/remove user/team
Getting an error ' You do not have create workspace access for this cluster'.
You can ask the 'admin' of your tenant to give you access to the respective cluster. Admin should go to the cluster -> Edit-> Add collaborators. If you cant figure out the admin for your tenant, please write to us at [email protected] or DM us on slack.
I don't see any models deployed by my team on the 'Model Registry' page.
You may not have access to the ML repo where all the model artifacts are stored. Please request access from your tenant admin for the respective ML repo
Updated about 1 month ago