Deploy via UI


What you'll learn

  • How to Deploy your Async Service using the Truefoundry User Interface.

Upon completing this guide, you will have successfully deployed an Async Service. Your Async Service deployment dashboard will resemble the following:

Deploying your Async Service


To follow along with this guide, you'll need the following:

  • HTTP Service:

We've already prepared the FastAPI HTTP Service for you. You can find the code for this service on GitHub at This is the service we'll be deploying.

import os  
import joblib  
import pandas as pd  
from fastapi import FastAPI

model = joblib.load("iris_classifier.joblib")

app = FastAPI(docs_url="/", root_path=os.getenv("TFY_SERVICE_ROOT_PATH", "/"))"/predict")  
def predict(  
    sepal_length: float, sepal_width: float, petal_length: float, petal_width: float  
    data = dict(  
    prediction = int(model.predict(pd.DataFrame([data]))[0])  
    return {"prediction": prediction}
  • A Queue:

You will need to create an AWS SQS Queue to follow along with this guide. To learn how to create an AWS SQS Queue, you can refer to the AWS SQS guide.

Code Structure

You will be deploying an Async Service, and the code for this service can be found in the following GitHub repository: Link to the GitHub Repository

Now, let's take a closer look at the structure of the code you'll be deploying:

|_ Contains the Async Service code used to process tasks asynchronously.
|_ requirements.txt: Dependency file listing required packages.

Step 1: Initiating Deployment via UI

Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7
  1. Go to the Service section on the Deployments Dashboard.
  2. Click + New Deployment.
  3. In the What would you like to deploy? column select Async Service.
  4. Select a workspace for deployment by clicking Search Workspace search bar. Read more about Cluster and Workspace.



If you don't have a workspace, create one by clicking Create New Workspace and then follow along this guide or consult your cluster admin for assistance.

  1. Click Next to proceed.
  2. Deployment form should come up.

Step 2: Configure Deployment

Now, let's configure your deployment using the deployment form.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7
  1. Name:
    Name: async-service

  2. Specifying Docker Image Build Instructions:

    1. Choose Source Code:
    2. Repo URL:
    3. Choose Python Code (I don't have Dockerfile)
    4. Path to build context: ./deploy-ml-model/
    5. Command: gunicorn app:app --workers 1 --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind
  3. Worker Config -> Input Config:
    Specify Input Config as stated in the following documentation AWS SQS

  4. Worker Config -> Output Config:
    Specify Output Config as stated in the following documentation AWS SQS



Input Config and Output Config can have different message queue types; for instance, you can configure Input Config to use Kafka and Output Config to use AWS SQS.

  1. Ports (Ports to route customer traffic to):
    1. In the Port field, enter 8000 as specified in the gunicorn command.
    2. The Endpoint field will be prefilled automatically based on your configured domain.
  2. Sidecar:
    1. Enable the Sidecar toggle
    2. Destination:

Step 3: Submit the form

Now that all the deployment options are filled, click the Create button. This will initiate your deployment process. After clicking Create your Service Dashboard will resemble the following:

While your deployment is in progress, you can hover over the spinner icon to check the deployment status. After a brief moment, the deployment should become active, and your Service Dashboard will transform to appear as follows:

Interacting with the Application

With the deployment now active, you can click on your specific service. Doing so will open up the dashboard dedicated to your service, allowing you to access various details.

Here, you can see the Endpoint of your service at the top right corner. You can click on the Endpoint to open your application.

Now you can click on one of the Images from the two options and see what predictions your model gives:

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed the async service using Truefoundry.

Sending requests


The request body for sending a synchronous or an asynchronous process request is the same.

Send a synchronous process request



Enter the endpoint of your application below.

curl '<yourendpoint>/process' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{"request_id": "abc", "body": {"x": 1, "y": 2}}'


❯ curl '<yourendpoint>/process' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '{"request_id": "abc", "body": {"x": 1, "y": 2}}'
  • A FastAPI documentation dashboard will be available on your endpoint

Send an asynchronous process request

import json
import uuid
import boto3

def send_request(input_sqs_url: str, output_sqs_url: str):
    sqs = boto3.client("sqs")
    request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        MessageBody=json.dumps({"request_id": request_id, "body": {"x": 1, "y": 2}})

    while True:
        response = sqs.receive_message(
            QueueUrl=output_sqs_url, MaxNumberOfMessages=1, WaitTimeSeconds=19
        if "Messages" not in response:
        msg = response["Messages"][0]
        response = json.loads(msg["Body"])

        if response.get("status") != "SUCCESS":
            raise Exception(f"Processing failed: {response.get('error')}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    send_request(input_sqs_url="YOUR_INPUT_SQS_URL", output_sqs_url="YOUR_OUTPUT_SQS_URL")

Run the above Python script.



❯ python
request_id='46a4ebc6-afdb-46a0-8587-ba29abf0f0d4' status='SUCCESS' body=2 error=None