Access Control

Authentication and Authorization

You can add models to LLM Gateway by adding provider accounts like OpenAI, Anthropic, Bedrock etc through the Integrations page. Each model provider can have multiple models within and you can configure access control at the model level.

Adding access control through the UI

While adding a model as per the steps in the previous docs, you can configure the users and teams within the organisation who can access this model.

GitOps using YAML spec

If you are configuring TrueFoundry using GitOps, then you can use the YAML spec of provider account to configure access control at the model level. For example, configuring access control on Claude 3 above would mean your provider account spec would look like below. Here, users alice, bob and anyone who's part of dev-team can consume the models through the Gateway.

name: my-anthropic-account
type: provider-account/anthropic
  api_key: xxxx
  type: api-key
  - name: claude-3-test
    type: integration/model/anthropic
    model_id: claude-3-haiku-20240307
      - chat
      - user:alice
      - user:bob
      - team:dev-team