Post Cluster configurations

Once your cluster is configured following steps needs to be done.

Attaching a blob storage

Azure Blob Storage is a scalable and secure cloud-based object storage service provided by Microsoft Azure. It allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of unstructured data such as images, videos, documents, and other binary or text data.

Attaching a blob storge in Azure to truefoundry platform

  1. Create a Azure Storage account in your resource group

    1. Instance details - You must Geo-redundant storage to make sure your data is available through other regions in case of region unavailability.
    2. Security - Make sure
      1. DISABLE Allow enabling anonymous access on individual containers
      2. ENABLE Enable storage account key access
    3. Network access - ENABLE Allow public access from all networks
    4. Recovery - You can keep it to default for 7 days.
  2. Create an Azure container inside the above storage account.

  3. Search for CORS from the left panel and for Blob service (optional for File service Queue service and Table Service, only apply the change if you are using them) select the below options

    1. Allowed Origins - * or your control plane URL
    2. Allowed Methods - GET, POST, PUT
    3. Allowed Headers - *
    4. Exposed Headers - Etag
    5. MaxAgeSeconds - 3600
  4. Collect the following information

    1. Standard endpoint - Endpoint of the blob storage Once the container is created we need to get the standard endpoint of the blob storage along with the container which will look something like this. Replace this with your storage account name and the container name.
    2. Connection string - From the Azure portal in your storage account, head over to the Security + Networking section under Access keys which will contain the Connection String .
  5. Head over to the platform.

    1. In the left section in Integrations tab, click on Blob Storage and +Connect Storage
    2. Select the Integration Provider as Azure Blob Storage
    3. Add the standard endpoint as the storage root
    4. Add the Connection string in the Azure Blob Connection String
    Azure Blob Storage

    Azure Blob Storage

Attaching an Azure container registry

  1. Create an Azure container registry in your Azure resource group.

    1. Connectivity access - Public from (all networks)
  2. Collect the following information

    1. Your container registry name will be <name>
    2. Username and password for the container registry can be copied from Access keys under Settings in the left panel of Azure portal in your container registry resource.
      1. Enable the Admin User to copy the username and the password
  3. Head over to the Docker Registry section in the Integrations tab from the left panel.

    1. Click on + Connect Registry and select Azure
    2. Add the Azure registry URL alongwith the username and the password
    Azure Container Registry

    Azure Container Registry