Cost and Resource Insights

Node Level Cost Insights

Accessing Node Level Insights

To gain insights into your Node level costs, follow these steps:

  • Start by navigating to the "Integrations" tab on the left side panel.
  • Within the "Integrations" tab, select the Cluster you are interested in, and then click on the "Nodes" option.

Monitoring Node Costs

  • Get current running Node costs: TrueFoundry simplifies the process of monitoring your running node costs, providing you with complete visibility into your expenses. Ensure you have accurate cost insights at the node level.
  • Cost Savings with Spot Nodes vs. On-Demand Nodes: Optimize your resource usage by leveraging spot nodes when suitable. Discover potential cost savings when making choices between spot and on-demand nodes.

Workspace Level Insights

1. Workspace-Level Costs Insights

Get workspace-level usage cost: Gain deeper insights into the costs associated with your entire workspace. Understand the overall expenditure at the workspace level.

2. Workspace-Level Resource Insights

Get workspace-level resource usage: Empower yourself with comprehensive workspace-level resource usage insights, enabling data-driven decision-making regarding resource allocation.

Service Level Insights

1. Service-Level Resource Insights

Get service-level resource insights: Dive even deeper into resource management by monitoring usage at the service level. Understand how resources are allocated and used across different services.

2. Real-Time Service Warnings

Get warnings for services if over or under-provisioned: Receive real-time warnings when your services are either over or under-provisioned. Stay proactive in managing your services to optimize costs and resource usage.