
Application sets, Spec-based Integrations, Improvements: LLM Gateway, Workspaces, Metrics, Events

New Features:

  • Added Support for Application Sets
  • Integrations Revamp:
    • Grouping based on account, central auth, improved RBAC (Role Based Access Control)
    • Added support for AWS secret manager and Azure vault
    • Added support for JFrog, Quay, and TTL docker registry
    • Integration auth creds can now be given as secret ARN from the cloud
    • Added support for Azure Git Repo
  • Workspaces improvements
    • Gitops enabled for workspace, cluster, and integrations
    • Added support for labels and annotations in workspaces
    • Added support for dynamic fetching of K8's service account in workspaces
    • Removed support for creating K8's service account using workspaces
    • Removed support for mLTS in workspace form, it can now be configured using labels
  • Collaborators for Cluster and Workspace are now a part of the manifest (form)
  • LLM Gateway:
    • LLM Gateway now supports request logging
    • Support RBAC for models used by LLM Gateway
    • Added Image Upload feature for supported models
  • Added Support for private HuggingFace models
  • Added support for Oauth in notebook endpoint
  • Support RBAC in notebooks endpoints
  • Configurable CI/CD templates using config map in helm chart
  • Released TrueFoundry CLI combining ServiceFoundry and MLFoundry CLI
  • The last 5 Job Runs are now visible on the listing page
  • Secret store in a secret group can be customized
  • Added support for fine-grain access token using virtual account
  • Removed support for GCP autopilot cluster

Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • Improved Visibility on associated deployments for a given artifact
  • Metrics UI/UX improvements: Preciesion, zoom to select time range, etc.
  • Events UI/UX Improvements: Graph and insights.
  • Improved UX and faster cluster onboarding using OCLI
  • LLM Gateway UI/UX improvements
  • Various bug fixes