v0.23.3 - Jan 10, 2025
2 months ago by Abhishek
New Features & Improvements:
- Improvements in node selector experience for Azure and Generic clusters
- Easy deployment for sklearn and xgboost models
- Users can now log sklearn and xgboost models with added input/output schema (or automatically inferred) to TrueFoundry Model Registry and enable low-code / no-code inference deployments
- Added Cluster Insights
- Cluster auto sync for syncing nodepools and other monitoring settings
- Addon auto-upgrade one-click flow
- Compare diff for multiple deployment versions
- New cluster onboarding flow revamped to a single command
- Autopilot button to allow TrueFoundry to redeploy applications after calculating CPU / Memory Recommendations
- The username field is now deprecated from the system
Bug fixes:
- Minor Bug fixes and UI/UX improvements